Stanford Python Camp D – 9

D – 9: Using Python Turtle module to draw advanced animated figures Assignment 9 – A. Bouncing Balls Modify the BouncingBall program discussed in class to bounce two balls inside the rectangle. When the balls hit the walls, they bounce off the wall and continue as shown in the class example. When balls hit each […]

Stanford Python Camp D – 8

D – 8:  Using Python Turtle module to draw animated figures Assignment 8 – A. Rotating Rectangles The following figure shows some sample examples of the animation. Write a program that draws a series of rectangle rotated by an increasing amount. You can use the following outline of steps to draw the animation. Set heading […]

Stanford Python Camp D – 7

D – 7: Using Python Turtle module to draw figures Assignment 7 – A Assignment 7 – B Assignment 7 – C Assignment 7 – D Assignment 7 – E. U.S. Flag • Draw a colored star• Draw a colored rectangle Then combine the tasks into a larger program that moves the turtle to the […]

Stanford Python Camp D – 6

D – 6: Using functions that start with a “def” keyword Assignment 6 – A. Temperature Converter The formula for converting a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius is C = 5 / 9 * (F – 32) where F is the Fahrenheit temperature and C is the Celsius temperature. Write a function named celsius that […]

Stanford Python Camp D – 5

D-5: Using more advanced loop commands with Python operators Assignment 5 – A. Sum Write a program that requests a user to enter a sequence of numbers continuously until the user enters 0. The program should find the sum and average of the numbers entered. Assignment 5 – B. Max and Min Write a program […]

Stanford Python Camp D – 4

D-4: Using loop commands with Python operators Assignment 4 – A. Simple Squares Write a program to print squares and square roots of all numbers from 1 to 81 using the “while loop.” On each line print a number, its square, and its square root. Sample output: x=1, square=1, sqrt=1x = 2, square = 3, sqrt […]

Stanford Python Camp D – 3

D-3: Using “if-elif-else” statements and printing consequential outcomes Assignment 3 – A. Grade Calculator Write a grading program for a class with the following grading policies: There are 2 quizzes, each graded on the basis of 10 points. There are 3 assignments, each graded on the basis of 10 points. There is one midterm exam, […]

Stanford Python Camp D – 1, 2

D-1: Learning about the parts and their functions of a computer D-2: Using the “print” and “input” command and learning about the Python operators Assignment 2 – A. Nametag At a certain conference, each delegate has to wear a tag showing his name and the organization they represent. Prompt the user to enter the name […]

Silvrim Mate

Maker Faire Website Page for Silvrim Mate, a collaborative project with my friend, Sierra. Silvrim Mate Website for the game, Scarfie: Silvrim Mate Website for the game, Agathakakological: