Stanford Python Camp D – 5

D-5: Using more advanced loop commands with Python operators Assignment 5 – A. Sum Write a program that requests a user to enter a sequence of numbers continuously until the user enters 0. The program should find the sum and average of the numbers entered. Assignment 5 – B. Max and Min Write a program […]

Stanford Python Camp D – 4

D-4: Using loop commands with Python operators Assignment 4 – A. Simple Squares Write a program to print squares and square roots of all numbers from 1 to 81 using the “while loop.” On each line print a number, its square, and its square root. Sample output: x=1, square=1, sqrt=1x = 2, square = 3, sqrt […]

Stanford Python Camp D – 3

D-3: Using “if-elif-else” statements and printing consequential outcomes Assignment 3 – A. Grade Calculator Write a grading program for a class with the following grading policies: There are 2 quizzes, each graded on the basis of 10 points. There are 3 assignments, each graded on the basis of 10 points. There is one midterm exam, […]

Stanford Python Camp D – 1, 2

D-1: Learning about the parts and their functions of a computer D-2: Using the “print” and “input” command and learning about the Python operators Assignment 2 – A. Nametag At a certain conference, each delegate has to wear a tag showing his name and the organization they represent. Prompt the user to enter the name […]

Divisions Between Americans

The contradicting legacy of Brown worsened the division between two forces on the topic of slavery, leaving a permanent mark on U.S. history. The U.S. Civil War was the climax of the intensifying national division around what seemed to be an ever-lasting issue: slavery. Abolitionists, who supported the eradication of slavery, contributed to sparking the […]

The Last Moments of John Brown – Thomas Hovenden

Thomas Hovenden, who has actively participated in the Underground Railroad and anti-slavery assemblages together with his wife, illustrates John Brown in “The Last Moments of John Brown.”  This painting portrays John Brown stopping to kiss a black toddler while descending the stairs — from the courthouse perhaps — to his execution. It is December 2, […]

Jacob Lawrence – The Legend of John Brown

The series painted by Jacob Lawrence named “Legends of John Brown” portrays Brown as a visionary and confident leader and a martyr who is willing to sacrifice his own life for the cause of abolishing slavery. He believed that the reason for his existence was to devote himself to a lifelong struggle for justice among […]

Day of Tears

Day of Tears, written by Julius Lester in 2005, conveys how concealing one’s identity behind masks is harmful to people. Masks affect everyone, even the ones who are using them. It can affect trust between relationships, block one from realizing one’s faults, and even worse, make one repeat the wrong choices. However, the author also […]