[Book Review]Woder


‘Wonder’ is about the main character August Pullman who has a deformed face. You can distinguish that August has an unpleasant face which is very hard to watch but makes you glance at it again. He was very discouraged by the expression people make when they see him. Eventually, he ends his successful year by getting the best-student-of-the-year prize.

What makes August abnormal is the way other people see him. He is an ordinary boy to himself. August said himself is the only person who knows how normal he is. It is obvious that people scream and horrify after seeing August. People do not do it by purpose and they do not mean to hurt anybody. However, it hurts August. He says he is used to people, but in reality, it is not true. You can never be used to being abused by someone. Your heart damages even when you think you are not. It gets hit until it is unbearable, and you burst out all your feelings when it is too late. August is fortunate because he has a person he can talk to about his emotional problems without hesitating. Justin, August’s sister’s boyfriend, says that God is fair to everybody. He says August have Via, August’s sister, who is feeling guilty just for wishing that everybody wouldn’t know about August. Miranda, Via’s ex-best friend, who brings August’s picture with her every day. Parents who are very inclusive and friendly.

August’s older sister Via loves August, but she wishes everyone not to know about August’s presence. It is an irony. I can totally understand her, and I am pretty sure that I would even think worse about August if I was her. On the other hand, I think she is being cruel to August. She cannot speak out loud because she knows that it will hurt her loving baby brother Auggie’s feelings because she is his only sister and she knows her thoughts towards her brother is not completely innocent. But most of all, it is because he trusted her. But after hearing from Justin that she is feeling guilty just for considering about it and that August is lucky to have her as his sister, I completely agree with him. Sometimes, I thought Miranda loved Auggie more than Via did. It turned out to be wrong because Miranda described Auggie using the word deformed while Via stood up towards everyone who said her little brother is deformed.

In this novel, the author faces the problem of our society directly. We have to admit that people in general, have lack of respect towards disabled people or people who look different from us. Pretended kindness and the kindness from your heart is different. You can tell immediately if you consider people reluctantly. Having a good heart is hard than you think. I do not know the answer either. At least I know that it starts from feeling bad and guilty towards them. Dare to reach out to help.


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