FTC Robotics – Stanford Online Highschool (2021 ~ 2022)


I participated in the FTC robotics team at Stanford Online Highschool remotely as a member of the software team and outreach since September 2020.

2021-2022 season:

Our team has managed to qualify for Regionals from the San Mateo NorCal FTC Qualifying Tournament. During this past qualifying tournament, we won several awards:

4th Overall Point Scorer
1st Innovate Award (sponsored by Raytheon Technologies)
2nd Inspire Award


We used OpenCV to detect the marker location by splitting the incoming video into three vertical partitions, corresponding to the three potential marker locations. Whichever partition has the greatest amount of our marker’s color (in this case, yellow) is selected as the one which most likely contains it. 


Our Auto code is split into two parts, one for each potential starting position. We named the starting position closest to the carousel “Primary” and the other position “Secondary.” The routes are mirrored for each alliance, leading to a total of four separate auto routes.

In both the Primary and Secondary routes, our robot detects the location of the marker (see “Vision”), delivers the freight, and parks in the warehouse. The Primary route also delivers the duck from the carousel prior to delivering the freight.

Multithreading/Parallel Processing:

We used multithreading this year to extend/retract the scoring mechanism. For example, in the Auto code, we are starting a thread to extend the scoring apparatus as the bot moves toward the freight hub and retract as it leaves, saving precious seconds on the Autonomous period. In the TeleOp code, the threads for extending and retracting the scoring apparatus are actuated via mapped buttons on one of the driver controllers.

Our robot for the 2021-22 season is called Duke Russet. Our robot can pass over obstacles, including pipes, spin a carousel to drop a duck, intake objects of different masses, and place them on different levels on the scoring hub. The robot features include a two-piece linear slide scoring mechanism, duck wheel, claw, and intake, which help us with scoring.

Stay In Touch.

  • kimhannah2005@gmail.com